Hi all! And welcome to the Nomad’s Reviews forum.
If this is your first time here, please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the forum rules before posting or commenting. Note these rules cover commenting on blog posts too.
1. No spam.
All automated messages, advertisements, and links to competitor websites* will be deleted immediately. These forums define spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and or posts with little, or completely unrelated content. Sending private messages to a large number of different users is also considered spam.
2. No politics, religion, ideology etc.
Nomad’s Reviews is strictly a-political so let’s keep it that way.
3. Post in relevant sub-forums only.
Messages posted in the wrong topic area will be removed and placed in the correct sub-forum by moderators.
4. Do not cross-post questions
Please refrain from posting the same question in several forums. There is normally one forum which is most suitable in which to post your question.
5. Do not PM users asking for help
Do not send private messages to any users asking for help. If you need help, make a new thread in the appropriate forum then the whole community can help and benefit.
6. Do not share personal information
Either our own or someone else’s – ‘doxing’ will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate ban. The authorities will also be notified. Remember data protection laws
7. DO NOT ASK for email addresses or phone numbers.
If asked, 1: – Do NOT provide said information 2: Notify the moderator/admin ASAP.
8. Respect other users.
No flaming or abusing fellow forum members. Users who continue to post inflammatory or abusive comments will be deleted from the forum after two warnings are issued by moderators.
9. Do not post “offensive” posts, links or images
Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense while posting
10. No Adult content.
No profanity or pornography is allowed. Posts containing adult material will be deleted – this includes posts containing links to the same.
11. No Illegal content.
No reposting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is allowed. Any posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials will be deleted. Fair-use applies for memes, guides etc.
12. No Harassment.
No threats or harassment of other users will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or harassing behaviour is grounds for deletion from the forums.
13. No links to ‘dodgy’ sales sites.
Links to re-sellers and game key sites is prohibited.
14. Links to ROM sites, MEGA downloads of ROMS etc. is prohibited.
I don’t want to get sued
15. Links to steam sales etc. are permitted.
Links to steam sales, humble bundle deals, Epic Game Store freebies etc. should go in the relevant thread where they can be found easily. Who doesn’t like a good bargain and free games?
16. *Self-promotion is permissible in the ‘shameless self-promotion thread’ only.
Any such post will have to pass the moderators first to ensure the linked-to content also follows the above rules.
17. Be mindful of bandwidth.
Please avoid posting images with very large file sizes as it may lag the system (testing needed) and not everyone has high-speed internet. Posts containing over-sized images and signatures will be removed. Images can be resized using this free editor https://pixlr.com/x/
NB - Nomad’s Reviews reserves the right to amend the forum rules if necessary.
Thank you for having read the forum rules. Feel free to get in touch if you have any suggestions or need clarification on anything.
General Posting Guidelines
If you have not been a member of a forum before you may not be aware of the common ‘Dos and Don’ts’ about how to (and how not to) engage with one. Here are some general guidelines to help you get started.
1. Please use search first!
There is a good chance that unless you have a particularly niche question or rare problem that it has been addressed on our forum before. Please use the forum’s search feature first to see if there are already some good threads on the subject. It’s easy to search – just click the “Search” button at the top right of the page.
2. Be descriptive and don’t use “silly” topic names
Please post a descriptive topic name! Give a brief summary of your problem in the subject. (Please don’t use attention-grabbing subjects, they don’t grab attention and tend to annoy people).
Here’s a great list of topic subjects you should not post :
“Help me”, “Hello”, “Very urgent”, “I have a question…”
Generally, anything similar to the above is unacceptable. Just post your problem.
Here are a few good examples of how to post a question
“How to adjust the sensitivity of my Razer Deathadder Gaming mouse”
“What emulator should I use for SNES games?”
3. Remember when people help you, they are doing you a favour
Please be patient, help people out by posting good descriptions of what you need help with, and not snapping at people with snarky replies such as “If you aren’t going to help don’t waste my time replying”.
General Forum Questions
Am I allowed more than one account?
No, and why would you want two or more accounts anyway? There is no reason why you should have more than one account at Nomad’s Reviews. If you are banned from the forums, please do not create a new account. If you continue to create new accounts after you have been banned, your IP address will be blocked from the forums.
What happens if I break a rule?
If you break a rule, then you will either be warned or banned. A ban of your user account may either be temporary or permanent. The administrators and moderators also have the right to edit, delete, move or close any thread or post as they see necessary, without prior warning.
What happens if I see a thread/post which has broken a rule?
Please report the thread/post to the moderators or admin.
Where can I find out who is in charge?
The Forum Moderators are displayed in every Forum. At the time of writing the sole moderator for all forums is the site’s creator, Iain ‘Sessile_Nomad’ Baker. This may change as the forum grows and gains additional members.
Becoming a moderator
All moderator applicants must be a member for at least 90 days (3 months) and have at least 100 posts.
You must be active in the individual forums you wish to moderate and regularly create and respond to threads in those forums.
You must also maintain a working knowledge of the subject matter.
Please be aware that applying to be a moderator does not guarantee acceptance and that moderators will only be appointed when needed.
Current moderators and administrators will review applications and decide if the applicant fits the desired post. Administrators have the final say and we reserve to right to refuse applicants with or without cause.
Moderator Policy
In Order To Apply To Be A Moderator You Must be:
18 years old or older
a forum regular
have been at the forum for over 3 months
have a positive presence on Nomad’s Reviews Forums
knowledgeable in the Forums they would like to moderate.
polite and helpful towards other members and give advice whenever needed and whenever possible.
Visit the forum each day, actively take part in discussions as often as possible, ideally once a day, setting a good example to the other members.
Take an active part in discussions between Moderators relating to the running of the forum.
Help to keep unsuitable content out of the forums as much as possible.